"Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it."
Tuesday, 28 September 2004: If you have visited this page before you will know of the story told by the scientist I named "Deep Shield".
I received word early today that "Deep Shield" had committed suicide late last Sunday afternoon at his home in the Emeryville/Berkeley/Oakland area of California.
The method used was to run a hose from his car's exhaust pipe into the closed car in his garage.
His wife found his body and she says that there was no suicide note.
However her late husband's behaviour and mood for the past month had been extremely agitated and dark.
The police are not pursuing this as a homicide because it is, in their mind, a clear and cut case of suicide. There will be the usual inquest/autopsy and most likely a very quiet funeral due to the nature of the death.
Our most sincere condolences are offered to his family.
Some may be wondering if further information will be forthcoming but at this time out of respect for the family there will be no name or credentials given. Perhaps at a future date his widow will be asked if more information should be revealed - it will be her decision.
The material on this page relating to "Deep Shield" has recently (May 2003) raised a numbers of questions with some suggesting that it might originate with a "debunker" or even be a hoax.
The focus of these Holmestead "chemtrail" web pages is to attempt to raise awareness of the illegal aerial spraying activity. The public at large pays little attention to the sky so it does not matter to them at this point in time if there are ten possible explanations for the spraying.
So what if the story below is not a complete and detailed enumeration of all the possibilities? It is not intended to be and the insider makes no claim to know everything that is going on in our skies. That may be found in other departments...
These exchanges of questions and answers did take place and as far as I am concerned the responses are legitimate. The material is presented here in good faith.
 In reading this page it may be of value to also look at Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Bases where the conclusion by the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research is that the most effective global warming method of mitigation (corrective) is the spraying of reflective aerosol compounds into the atmosphere utilizing commercial, military and private aircraft!
The individual featured appears to have an "inside track" on the chemtrail spraying programme. There was an opportunity to ask specific questions relating to the aerial spraying and the "insider" then answered the questions.
I am aware of the insider's place of employment and the facts presented conform with the type of activities that are carried out there.
The responses have the tone of someone with detailed inside knowledge but for reasons of confidentiality it is unsigned. Where population is mentioned also see the Holmestead Population Explosion page.
It is a lengthy piece but when you reach the end please continue as there is a second item following.
At 4 April 2003 some supplementary questions and answers were added. This makes the piece even longer and again the related item follows. If you wish to skip the first section and go directly to the new material click: Supplementary.
After reading this Shield Project page you may want to see what Jim Phelps has to say about it. Jim worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee (ORNL) which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) where he worked in research and development. His comments. The page will open in a separate window - it may be kept open, minimized or closed to return here.
If you have read this page you may be interested in this update reporting recent (September 2003) conversations with "Deep Shield": Two cents worth. The page will open in a separate window - it may be kept open, minimized or closed to return here.
Drawing upon material found here and elsewhere Wayne Hall prepared this excellent summation of the issues: "Strategies Against Climate Change". The page will open in a separate window - it may be kept open, minimized or closed to return here.
January 2005: Wayne Hall has prepared another review of the part atmospheric scientists play in these "chemtrail" debates. He sums it up as being the weird spectacle of seeing scientists advocating measures which they simultaneously ridicule and deny are being implemented.
Rather than a standard web page this link will take you to the document of 139 KB in PDF format for downloading or reading online: "Climate Change Jekylls and Hydes". The Acrobat pdf file will open in a separate window of your browser if you have the usual plug-in installed - it may be kept open, minimized or closed to return here.
Veuillez noter que cette page complète est également disponible en français.
Points to Ponder: The Shield Project.
Here we quote the communication from "Deep Shield":
Having read your email, I must say that you are full of questions. These questions I would dismiss immediately as being the frustrated attempts of fringe groups to bring a halt to the project, however these reports of biological material being part of the spray should be addressed. Therefore I will give as much attention to all of your questions as possible.
1. What purpose do polymer threads imbedded with biological material serve in this scenario?
Polymers are part of the mixture and they do form in threads and in `tufts'. The idea is simple and comes to us from the spider. As you may know spider webbing is very light, some newborn spiders spin a `parachute' to catch the prevailing breeze to travel far from their place of birth. Spiders have been able to attain high altitudes and travel great distances for long periods of time. Most of the elements used in the spray are heavier than air, even in their powdered form they are heavier and will sink quickly. Mixing them with the polymers suspends the particles in the atmosphere high above the surface for longer periods of time, therefore in theory we do not need to spray as often or as much material. Since the suspended particles eventually do settle into the lowest part of the atmosphere and are inhaled by all life forms on the surface there is an attempt to counter the growth of mold by adding to the mixture mold growth suppressants - some of which may be of biological material.
Mold comes in spores that travel on the winds; the polymers can attract mold spores through static charges created by the friction of the polymer threads and the atmosphere. Add a bit of warmth and moisture and mold begins to grow. The polymer is stored in a liquid form as two separate chemicals. When sprayed they combine behind the plane `spinning' long polymer chains (threads). Much tinkering has been done which the chemical matrix in past years. Many polymers (plastics) are non-biodegradable thus add to the problem of pollution. Various formula have been used, some which even use biological agents. It would be great if we could reproduce the same web material that spiders make, it is extremely strong, extremely lightweight and breaks down relatively fast in the ecology.
2. If this spraying is to mitigate global warming, why does so much of it take place at night?
Though it would appear that the dispersal rate of the spray is fast, it is actually takes much longer to be an effective shield. There is a desired concentration being sought. One that is thick enough to stem the UV and the Infrared, while being thin enough to allow visible light through. A perpetual cloud cover would have disastrous effects on plant life; the food chain thus disrupted would soon collapse. The desired effect wanted is a thin cover that would theoretically create a daytime haze that allows plenty of sunlight while providing protection. From UV radiation and also reflect enough infrared to maintain nominal temperatures.
The optimal condition is to use the least amount of material to provide the maximum amount of shielding. Ideally that would be a one-time application which would stay suspended for years, however, as noted, barium and aluminum and other trace elements are far heavier than air and they sink rather rapidly. The different temperatures between day and night causes massive volumes of air to rise during the night, the warm air trapped at the surface rises above the cooling air above. By strategically spraying in certain areas at night, we get the advantage of the rising air, which not only pushes the material higher, but also causes the material to disperse into a thin layer.
I would suggest studying on the subject of weather, namely highs and lows and how air moves to fully understand the times of spraying. I note, it is not just global warming we are combating here, we are also combating UV Summer. Global warming could effectively be treated by applications during the night, when the warm air rises. However the UV needs to be treated during the day. This is why on some days one finds that more spraying is done during the day. The UV indexes are monitored constantly for local areas. If the problem were simply cooling the earth, rockets would have been used to suspend particles in the high atmosphere. However the delicate nature of the Ozone Layer precludes this method of shielding. More on this in the answer to Question 6.
3. What other military programs are in place involving the spraying of barium and what are their purposes? Do you know and understand the chemical make up of the element?
A little knowledge will go a long way to understanding the need to use barium: Barium is often used in barium-nickel alloys for spark-plug electrodes and in vacuum tubes as a drying and oxygen-removing agent. Barium oxidizes in air, and it reacts vigorously with water to form the hydroxide, liberating hydrogen. In moist air it may spontaneously ignite. It burns in air to form the peroxide, which produces hydrogen peroxide when treated with water. Barium reacts with almost all of the nonmetals; all of its water-soluble and acid-soluble compounds are poisonous. Barium carbonate is used in glass, as a pottery glaze, and as a rat poison. Chrome yellow (barium chromate) is used as a paint pigment and in safety matches. The chlorate and nitrate are used in pyrotechnics to provide a green color. Barium oxide strongly absorbs carbon dioxide and water; it is used as a drying agent. Barium chloride is used in medicinal preparations and as a water softener. Barium sulfide phosphoresces after exposure to light; it is sometimes used as a paint pigment. Barite, the sulfate ore, has many industrial uses. Because barium sulfate is virtually insoluble in water and acids, it can be used to coat the alimentary tract to increase the contrast for X-ray photography without being absorbed by the body and poisoning the subject.
Note what Barium Oxide can do, absorb carbon dioxide - one of the chief gasses causing the green house effect. In my answer to Question 4 I will discuss the need to carry a current in the shield. I would like to point out that barium and aluminum work together to diffuse and strengthen an electrical charge. Somewhat like the current produced when acid is introduced between two dissimilar metals, such as iron and copper. There are military applications for everything you can think of, can not a butter knife be used as a weapon? The same concept holds true here.
4. What is the connection between ELF, EMF, VLF and Chemtrails spraying? Or is there one?
To understand the use of radio waves in the shield, one first understands how ozone is created. I cannot stress to you how dire the situation really is. The shield in place is only a partial solution; we must counter the depletion of the ozone- this means we must make ozone in the stratosphere. Ozone at ground levels does no good; indeed, ozone pollution at ground levels it what is used to determine the air quality. Higher levels of ground level ozone mean that air quality is bad. Pure ozone is an unstable, faintly bluish gas with a characteristic fresh, penetrating odor. The gas has a density of 2.144 grams per liter at standard temperature and pressure. Below its boiling point (-112?) ozone is a dark blue liquid; below its melting point (-193?) it is a blue-black crystalline solid. Ozone is triatomic oxygen, O3, and has a molecular weight of 47.9982 atomic mass units (amu). It is the most chemically active form of oxygen. It is formed in the ozone layer of the stratosphere by the action of solar ultraviolet light on oxygen. Although it is present in this layer only to an extent of about 10 parts per million, ozone is important because its formation prevents most ultraviolet and other high-energy radiation, which is harmful to life, from penetrating to the earth's surface. Ultraviolet light is absorbed when its strikes an ozone molecule; the molecule is split into atomic and diatomic oxygen: 03+ ultraviolet light ->0+02. Later, in the presence of a catalyst, the atomic and diatomic oxygen reunite to form ozone.
Ozone is also formed when an electric discharge passes through air; for example, it is formed by lightning and by some electric motors and generators. Ozone is produced commercially by passing dry air between two concentric-tube or plate electrodes connected to an alternating high voltage; this is called the silent electric discharge method. Since UV radiation is the problem, we can not use UV to produce more stratospheric ozone. Another method must be found. The shield acts like one plate of the electrode, when tickled with certain radio waves; it produces an opposite charge to stratospheric layers producing low atmosphere to stratosphere lightening. Creating ozone where it is needed.
5. If this is being done for the reasons you say, then why are other chemicals being used, why are different sprays being used?
Correcting the ecological damage that mankind has done has NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE. We are relatively new to this notion of terraforming on a real scale. That is what we are doing, Terraforming. We are trying to recreate the ideal life-sustaining conditions on a dying planet. We have never done this before, not intentionally. We are testing and trying different methods. Granted, if we do nothing 89% of all species will go extinct and humanity stands a high chance of not surviving through two more generations (or less). However the idea of 2 billion casualties death and permanent injury is not easy to swallow either.
Several attempts to improve the application of Shielding material and getting the most out of each application are taking place all the time. The combined resources of the nations of earth are not enough to allow constant spraying. Though we have achieved a high level of technology, there is a great surface area that needs to be covered nearly daily. Large sections of ocean are all but ignored; the remaining land masses are more than what can be covered effectively. The Shield would work best if it was a single thin layer without interruption, however due to the movement of air, weather patterns and the sad fact that we do not have the means to place ample amounts of material at the same level at the same time we are getting a small fraction of the effectiveness from our applications.
6. Why is spraying found before storm fronts? Is it to cause drought?
Before a storm there is a front, the front clears the air before a storm, pushing particulate matter ahead of it, leaving a space relatively clear of particulate matter. UV radiation levels rise in these areas, sometimes to dangerous levels. The shield must be maintained. Since barium absorbs water as well as carbon dioxide, precipitation has been affected. Other kinds of sprays are in development and testing which may reduce the affects on precipitation. As I stated above, this is a new technology we are working with, it is still in its infancy and there are some problems with it.
7. Why are UFO's and disappearing spray planes reported?
I do not know.
8. What about the reports of sickness after spraying?
There are several causatives for this. Some people are more sensitive to metals, whiles others are sensitive to the polymer chemicals. As stated in a previous email, people will get sick, and some will die. It is estimated that 2 billion worldwide will be affected to some degree by the spraying. Without spraying we have a 90% + chance of becoming extinct as a species with in the next 20 years.
9. What is the relationship between these spraying programs and One World Order?
Personally I am against the move for globalization, and yes, there is potential to use the Shield to speed up the process of globalization, there are several countries that are involved in this project: European Union Nations, USA and Russia are the largest contributors to the project, many of the allied nations and UN Members participate to one extent or another. The material (chemical spray as you may call it) comes from all of these nations.
To insure that the chemicals are not tampered with, they are mixed and sprayed over random nations. This means that chemicals produced in the USA has a good chance of being sprayed over Russia, England and the USA. This random spray of material means that no nation would be certain that their chemicals will be sprayed over a nation which they have issues with. Russian planes may be seen in USA skies, but so too will USA planes be seen in Russian skies. The canisters used are sealed in a third nation that has no idea where its canister is going. Participating nations have their observers at every station where canister loading is done. All of this to insure that the shield is not used as a weapon. To further insure that the shield is not used as a weapon, non participant nations are sprayed by participants who must spray in order to get enough material to maintain their nations shield. It is understood that not spraying is as much a military offense as shooting at them.
Without the shield, UV poisoning would cause great death. The threat is a common one, which has brought nations together in defense. The natural outcome of having a common enemy is to strengthen international ties - a step toward globalization.
10. Is the Spraying related to terrorism?
Yes and no. Recent terrorist activity can be traced to resistance groups who feel that we should not interfere with the natural order of things. As you know, there are many rumors out there as to what the Shield Program is. Some believe that this is a population reduction scheme, designed to kill off 'undesirable' peoples. While others hold that this is a mind control program. There are many theories which have sinister plots in them these are propagated by the resistance groups in an attempt to stop the shield regardless of the consequences.
The same delivery method could be used for biological and chemical warfare. It could also be used to inoculate large populations, the effectiveness of these uses are low, there are better methods that can be used. As a means to fight terrorism it is ineffectual, it is far easier to inoculate a population individually and would insure full inoculation against germ warfare.
11. Why all the secrecy?
Due to the severity of the situation it is mandatory to maintain public calm for as long as possible. The Earth is dying. Humanity is on the road to extinction - without the Shield mankind will die off with in 20 to 50 years. Most people alive today could live to see this extinction take place. This means that an announcement of the situation we face boils down to telling every man, woman and child on earth that they have no future, they are going to be killed. People would panic. There would be economic collapse, the production and movement of goods would collapse. Millions would die in all cities on earth, riots and violence would reduce civilian centers to rubble within days. Half of the population in dense metropolitan areas would try to leave the cities seeking 'safety' in the rural areas thinking that they would be safe. Those left behind in the cities would be at war with their neighbors, fighting for the remaining supplies. We would be telling the world that the world is coming to an end, and even with the Shield the chances of survival are small.
UV Summer and Global Warming are the immediate problems we face, there are far greater problems that are raising their ugly heads and will present new problems which in some cases have no viable solutions at this time. Ecologies are collapsing. The extinction rate of species is climbing. The amount of chemical pollutants in the water and soil are fast approaching and in many places has surpassed the earth's ability to heal itself. Crop failure is on the rise, even in the USA the returns on crops are smaller than they were 10 years ago. Even with the advances in genetically altered food crops, we are falling behind in our ability to produce enough to go around. Throughout the 20th century chemical fertilizers and pesticides were used to insure the best yields. Unfortunately many of these have contaminated ground water, killed beneficial insects along with the undesirable insects. These chemicals have gotten into the food chain and are affected other species besides mankind. It is only a matter of years before famine spreads like a cancer throughout the world.
Clean fresh water is in short supply, in many places well water is non-potable, containing the run off of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers that have been used on crops and lawns. The water treatment facilities we have are unable to scrub out all of the toxins we have placed in the soil and water supply. Many of the toxins we find build up over time in the body, a long slow poisoning which has been making its presence felt in many areas of the world in the form of cancers, leukemia, sterility, birth defects, learning disorders, immune deficiency problems, etc. These are on the rise, any good researcher can find the records. For decades there was public outcry for the end to pollution. For every small step we made to clean up our production, millions where born who added to the problem. Yes, pollution is down per individual, however there are a couple more billion individuals producing pollution, thus the real numbers have an increase in over all pollution produced. Name a city that does not have problems with smog. You would be hard pressed to find one. Though smog controls on automobiles is higher than ever before, the number of autos on the road has increased thus the amount of smog producing pollutants is higher than ever before. All the clean air acts passed to curb individual factory and auto emissions did not address the production of more factories and more autos. Here an uneasy compromise was made between the need to maintain the economy against the need to maintain the ecology. The ecology lost since it was estimated to be a problem decades from now. The economy was a problem that would have dire effects today.
All of these factors combined have produced a scenario that in shorts boils down to the end of the world in 50 to 75 years. Even if we were to stop all emissions of pollution today, the inertia of past decades is enough to carry us over the brink in 100 years. However we cannot stop the production of pollution, to do so would mean shutting down every factory, every auto, every train, truck, ship and every household on the planet. Electricity is used to heat many homes in the Western World. The production of electricity produces fewer pollutants than heating all homes with wood or coal. Cutting our power generation abilities down to hydroelectric and fission reactors would leave a good chunk of the world in the dark. It is an impossible situation, our civilization is geared to the use of energy, take away our energy and civilization will collapse.
12. When will spraying stop?
There are several factors governing this:
A. Should the Ozone layer repair itself or our active attempts at repair reduces the amount of ground level UV to acceptable levels, spraying will stop. Present calculations place this between 2018 and 2024.
B. Should another method be found which is more effective, less costly or presents us with long-term solutions the Shield Project would be replaced.
C. When the other problems become too big to make the maintenance of the shield worth the effort. The estimated date for this is 2025 to 2050.
13. Since Global Warming and UV summer are the problem, why is the Government backing down on its pollution controls?
Because they are ineffectual and will cause more economic problems than they would solve ecological problems. We surpassed the threshold of Earth's ability to absorb pollutants in the 1970's. Since that time the earth's population has nearly doubled. Emerging Industrial nations have come into being, more pollutants are produced now than back then, even with the stringent controls in place. The world is heading for economic depression, more emission controls would add to the economic problems. This translates into our being unable to do anything to start solving the problems.
Unfortunately our technologies require a strong economy to advance. We need that advancement, we need the trillions of dollars spent on research that a strong economy causes. Each corporation that produces a product has a product development program in place. Many of the past products invented came by accident through other unrelated products. There is a corporate drive to find methods to clean up the ecology, to reduce emissions, etc. These goals have been in place for decades, many of the large corporations are in the know when it comes to the ecological problems we face thus they are spending a great deal of money and time on finding solutions to the problems we face. Take away the economy and their research stops.
14. How are you related to the Chemtrails? How do you know that this is what is happening?
I would prefer to not state who I am or how I am related to all of this. To validate what I say, would require a bit of research on your behalf. I would recommend the following subjects to look up and study:
A. Population numbers for industrial nations and the tons of pollutants produced annually. Start with 1975 and work your way up.
B. Number of emerging Industrial Nations.
C. Number of cases of Skin cancers worldwide.
D. Crop Production vs. land area dedicated to crop production. Simple math will show that more acreage is needed to produce food per individual.
E. Automobile production from 1975 to present, estimated number of autos on the road and the average emissions of later model cars produced as compared the emissions of earlier model cars. A little math will show that though individual autos produce less emissions, the amount of emissions has risen due to the number of autos on the road. Remember that many autos are the road that were built before present emission control standards. 1980 is a cut off date - anything put on the road before then produces more pollutants than autos produced today. I would include research in the number of diesel autos produced, diesel has not been under the emissions control acts.
F. Severity of storms and the number of severe storms. Also include heat waves and droughts in that research, you will find that the numbers are staggering when compared to data from 1950, 1960 and 1970.
G. Research how naturally occurring Ozone is produced in the stratosphere. Compare to how it is produced industrially.
H. Research political reforms in the past 30 years, see which political institutions have changed, which nations have joined with whom. Concentrate more on these from 1982 onward. This would include the fall of the Wall and Iron Curtain.
I. Research polymers and how they are made, look at recent research done in biological polymers, medical polymers and filaments.
J. Check out spiders and spider web and the way spiders use their different webs and threads.
K. Research clean fresh water estimates as compared to the 1970's to today - world wide.
L. Research the following medical conditions per capita: Birth Defects Cancers Leukemia Immune deficiency diseases (excluding virus borne ID illnesses such as HIV) Occurrences of Learning disabilities, including dyslexia, ADD, and over all IQ tests Sterility for both male and females world wide Instances of glaucoma and cataracts.
M. Compare the history of UV indexes from 1970 to present. You may note that it was on sharp rise until 1997-99.
N. I would strongly recommend researching the reactions of different barium and aluminum compounds and how they are used. Research how long it takes for these metals in pure form to oxidize, how they combine with nitrates, carbon monoxide carbon dioxide and fluorocarbons and hydrocarbons and water vapor.
O. Research how mold propagates, the conditions it needs to grow and just how abundant it is in the atmosphere.
If you pursue these lines of inquiry, you will see the Shield Project as it really is.
At the time of the US-lead invasion of Iraq I had the opportunity to ask a few supplementary questions. There has been no attempt to integrate these questions and answers into the previous section therefore some may appear somewhat out of logical order.
A couple of the questions have a Canadian approach. By the way, I came up with the name - have to call the source something!
Here we quote the further communication from "Deep Shield":
15. Could you, "Deep Shield" - be described as a scientist or...?
Scientist is a good generic term. I do study and research in a scientific manner. I carry papers and degrees. My official capacity is in direct research of atmospheric issues in relation to pollutants. I also create models of potential long-term effects of green house gasses on the climate. Predict wind patterns, weather patterns, etc.
I have spent a good many years working on the project calculating the amount of material needed and creating models for dispersion patterns. I work other members who know the chemicals used and their interactions with the atmosphere, pollution and water vapor. I am part of a team which itself is part of a larger team, which is part of still a larger team. Government work with many chiefs and levels above the workers.
16. Are you prepared to comment upon your personal motives for sharing this information?
Not at this time, no.
17. Have you signed a non-disclosure or Secrets Act document that specifically relates to this project?
18. To your knowledge what categories of individuals officially know of the Project and are expected to remain silent? For example, my list of suspects includes government down to the county level, military especially air force, meteorologists, health specialists, mainstream media etc.
All those who know are expected to remain silent. All of those who suspect are either faced with trying to prove the virtually unprovable or are faced with good enough reasons to remain silent. I would assume that this situation is worldwide and could be considered one of the dangers of this project.
It was presented to me as a matter of national security. I can see the reasons why there is a desire to repress the information not that spraying is taking place but the hard little fact that we are facing a period of human history which might be the end of civilization.
19. Is the mainstream controlled media specifically ordered to avoid any mention of chemtrails? If so, have you anything further to add such as how was this done?
I would assume that the Media is controlled by its own desire to make money from what it reports. Since there is enough debunking out there, which says that contrails are part of the normal use of jet engines in the atmosphere, this would leave a reporter with very little to report unless there was solid evidence or pictures or something that could not be explained away.
You must know by now all the debunking methods that have been employed. The 'official' announcements are the media's main dish. The rest they regulate to the realm of the National Enquirer.
20. What government agency or agencies control this program? Is it under international control?
It is an international program. Many nations contribute in different ways. Measures have been taken to insure that what is sprayed over all countries is the same through triple blind deliveries; which include not knowing where a certain canister will end up, not knowing which aircraft a certain canister will be flown, and not even knowing who (in military craft) will be piloting a craft which has the purpose of spraying (Note: in today's world there is usually a mixed crew of different nationalities flying any one military aircraft on a Shield mission). I believe the Media caught Canadians in Iraq recently when Canada's official say on the matter was that Canada was not giving any support to the military might.
The fact remains that there were Canadian military with the USA forces. Some on aircraft carriers most being pilots. I think you can connect the dots.
21. How is the project funded - who pays for it? Have you any idea of the total direct operating cost? Also, does Canada make a funding contribution for the activities in our skies?
Most governments tend to over charge themselves to cover for their black operations (unofficial operations). That money comes out of the collection of taxes. So in effect the taxpayers of the world are paying for this project.
I would assume Canada does contribute funding to the Project. Canada is one of the top nations contributing time, material and funding to this project. Most of the Free World, the Western World, has taken on most of the burden of the costs.
22. Is the Shield Project the only such aerial spraying program?
Is it the only project designed to avert ecological disaster? Then yes. There are countless other projects that could be taking place which include spraying of some sort or another. Pesticides are usually sprayed. There has been great interest in weather control such as bringing rain to arid regions and taking the punch out of hurricanes and typhoons.
Weather control may be one of the final options left to us. Considering the amount of global warming that has taken place. There is a strong need to deflect a storm's fury, or to bring rain back to those regions which have been suffering drought.
What Mother Nature has done for millions of years automatically may now require mankind's hand to keep the schedule.
23. There are reports of four different chemtrail programs and other "code" names. For example, see: Holmestead: Chemtrails - what are they? Any comments?
It is possible that the Military does have a use for similar sprays. I cannot speak for the Military. However, my own personal research has come across these things as well. Are they possible? Yes. Are they practical? Only in the small scale say over the battlefield, or in the case of say the Iraq War, over Baghdad. Global application would be far too expensive and would require an obvious flight pattern of grids, circles and other heavy spray patterns.
24. Is all the spraying done using the "tank kits" described earlier or are the KC-135R and KC-10 types filled to the brim? Such aircraft have a load capacity of 200,000 pounds or more for refueling missions.
No. Several types of craft are used. Commercial jet airliners are used and they are not diverted from their flight paths to do so. How the canisters and the spraying is done on this kind of craft is unknown to me exactly. I do have my suspicions. I know best that which is my field; this is not to say that we do not talk around the water tank. So I know more than just my area and am able to think the matter through to its logical end.
I do know that even all the commercial jetliners in use are not enough to insure complete coverage all of the time. My computer models require knowing how much material needs to be sprayed. Certain conditions cause wide areas to suddenly (over hours) open up in the Shield. Then and only then is mass spraying done - and would be done with the most logical craft, a tanker.
Why not spray more from individual jetliners? That is one of the problems. Jetliners do not carry much material (100 to 500 gallons) because the material has to be spread out thinly.
Look at the kinds of material being used, aluminum, barium, titanium, etc. Most are highly reflective; in some instances the material is an absorber of gasses. In the case of reflection the desire is to reflect X amount of heat and X amount of UV while still maintaining acceptable (nominal) levels of UV and heat reaching the planet's surface.
Life requires a certain amount of both UV and Heat too much will kill - so will too little. The apparent amount looks like a lot more than what is actually being sprayed per volume of air it is covering. Most of the whitening of the sky is not the material per se, but the collection of water vapor, which forms into suspended ice crystals. The introduction of the material causes the water vapor to collect like rain collects on individual particles of dust.
Too much material would cause a "mud fall" of sorts where the naturally occurring water vapor would precipitate carrying the material with it.
Spraying is done in such away as to "layer" the material through a volume that will allow an acceptable level of UV and heat through along with all the other wavelengths of light. Photosynthesis is the foundation of life on our planet.
Only when all the material is removed in a local area does it require a massive spray, this is usually in the front of a weather system, or after a heavy period of precipitation. Then a tanker is flown, fully loaded.
25. Is there any truth in the story that some of the spraying is done by jetliners with modifications in the "honey" or waste compartment?
The technology used for spraying is rather simple. It requires at least two tanks under pressure, each carries half of the mixture which is sprayed at the same time forming a complete compound which is designed to be lightweight (so as to be suspended for longer periods of time).
There have been attempts to incorporate the materials in jet fuel, however the material binds with unburned jet fuel, water vapor, etc and does not have the added buoyancy of the polymer threads. The end result is a spray that is less than half as effective and is more dangerous since it can lead to sulfates, acids and other mixtures, which are more lethal than the spray.
It is very possible that the "honey" compartment is used. The amount of material needed is small compared to the payload of any given commercial airliner.
However, there is a good deal of fuel tank that is not used. Airliners only fuel their craft for the journey ahead of them; they rarely top off the tank. This has become public knowledge in light of 9-11. It was this small fact that caused the terrorists to pick pan-continental flights so they would have a plane fully loaded.
The majority of flights are short range and do not require the full capacity of an airliners fuel tanks. Any adaptations needed could easily be done during routine maintenance, and could be easily explained away as being a modification for safety and-or pollution controls.
This last is my own theory.
We can assume that any means possible to deliver the material is tried. Independent nations may favor one way of doing so over another.
26. Where are the official sources that state that a certain number of people (worldwide?) will sicken and possibly die as a result of the spraying? In other words, what *internal* studies have been done on the health issues and who carried them out?
WHO (World Health Organization) carried out most of the studies. Other nations have carried their own research on the matter. Some have said the ill effects will be minimal - along the lines of a million or so, while others have found the numbers to be far higher - 3 to 4 billion.
Some of the organizations include the CDC and independent labs. We are dealing with a situation where the amount of contamination is estimated to be far higher than what would normally take place but is far lower than historical instances of industrial contamination. This is important to note, the only real history we have with barium/aluminum/titanium etc. contamination is through factory workers, miners, etc, who receive a far greater dosage of the material than what is to be experienced by the populace under the Shield.
The amount of spray is very small compared to the volume of the space that is covered. Most of the harmful chemicals that are used are being dissipated over vast areas. Near coastal regions the fall out is not reaching land at all, but is being carried out to the oceans. The addition of polymers to make the material remain suspended in the air longer means that less material is being used.
Today the material used and its application is nothing like in the early days when it was sprayed in greater quantities and settling far faster to be inhaled by all.
The accepted Estimated Casualties (from WHO) is 2 billion over the course of 6 decades. The majority will be either the elderly, or those who are prone to respiratory problems. These numbers are based on the current estimates of the general health of the population, the average age and the occurrence of respiratory problems as a health issue. All are estimates since there are no solid numbers to work with.
27. Could you summarize the root causes of the initial destruction of the atmosphere that requires this "repair" work? Did it perhaps result in part from fluorides released/produced by the nuclear weapons programs?
In a word - Industry. Most fail to understand that the products we use, wear and live with are made in a manner that dumps CFC's and green houses gasses into the atmosphere. There is no one single causative in this issue. It goes way back to the Industrial Revolution and the use of coal to power steam engines. Since that time we have consumed greater and greater energy resources, dumping the waste where ever we wanted.
Up until very recently refrigeration was a big contributor, imagine all those hundreds of millions of households that owned and operated freon cooled refrigerators from 1940 to 1970. Not just one refrigerator per household, but over the course of time often multiple freon units. This doesn't include the various air conditioner systems or industrial refrigeration systems.
For a long period when the refrigerator or air conditioner unit was replaced, the old one was taken to the dump and thrown into the heap - the freon was free to escape and make its way up into the stratosphere to eat away at the ozone layer.
You can add to that list. Think of all the cars that had air conditioners, think of all those hair spray cans with their propellant gasses - the amount of those alone were enough to do great damage.
Styrofoam is another industry and product that has contributed to the problem. In the scheme of things atomic energy has contributed little compared to the consumer goods that have been manufactured during the past century.
Think of all the cars on the road today. In the late 1970's smog controls started getting stronger. Think of all the pre-1978 cars on the road - they are still producing a good many chemicals that leech into every corner of the globe.
28. Have you any comment on the use of so-called "CloudBusters" based upon the theories of Wilhelm Reich? For an example of this see: CloudBuster.
I could go on for hours about the particular errors of this site. (15 September 2005: Note that due to misunderstanding of this answer by some it is necessary to make clear that this reference by DS is to the: CloudBuster web site mentioned in the question.) Let us just cut to the chase: I seriously doubt that this machine does as it is reported to do. I could be wrong, but then I do not work with alternative energy sources such as Orgone energy.
Points to Ponder: Conroy Penner, British Columbia.
Here is the second item mentioned above:
Conroy Penner, of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada contacted me directly with his story. He told me that some years ago he used to work for a certain company in Western Canada and along with another person who was a qualified aerospace welder/fabricator he was assigned to work on construction of some special spray equipment for the United States Air Force.
The workers were told that the USAF contract involved equipment to be used to spray insects at airforce bases in the States. The spray systems incorporated exotic alloys and specially machined parts with large holding, pressure and surge tanks along with pumps. Penner became suspicious of the actual purpose of the whole project as, in his opinion, things simply did not "add up". He resigned after there were confrontations with the US military people and the management over the true purpose of the equipment.
Penner provided this photograph, that was taken in 1988 of some finished spray equipment on a flat bed trailer. There are parts carts in the foreground.
The description states that the green tank sections are coated aluminum and the others are stainless steel for certain other chemicals. The smaller tanks are for the solution for purging the system. The large tanks are some 15 feet long and approximately 3 feet in diameter. The box seen at the right side of the photograph is the control panel, and the plumbing and pumps are underneath the tanks. It is said that these units were designed for use with Hercules C-130 aircraft and it is understood that in total eleven systems were to be made, this being the first.
I have on hand many other specifics from Penner but that is the general outline. All of this took place in 1988/89.
Comments: There are obviously some problems with this - it would be great to have the exact dates along with the names of the company management involved. Also the names and rank of the US military personnel involved is lacking.
As for the equipment itself - it looks much as if it could be ordinary aerial spraying systems - that is because indeed it may be just that with suitable modifications for the specialized USAF requirements. At this time the aerial spraying programme (chemtrails) was in the early stages of experimental development. Certainly at first it was reported that the C-130 was seen being used for aerial spraying (of unknown substances) and only later were the large refueling tankers seen spraying "chemtrails".
Further comments: Added 26 March 2003 - is an addition from (and confirmed by) the source of the main item above.
The canisters that are shown above are similar to what is known to be incorporated into this programme.
Two large ones are carried, one carrying one part of the chemical mix, the other carrying the other part, when combined they form long polymer chains - threads if you will. Even the green tint finish is typical.
However, the way it is understood here, is that the small tank provides the propellant (compressed gas) which is released into the larger tank. Much like a large aerosol can, except the compressed gas is stored in a separate tank which is much stronger, and able to sustain a far greater pressure than a larger tank.
Further confirmation of this particular aerial spray system is found at this United States Air Force Reserve, 910th Airlift Wing of Youngstown, Ohio website: Air Force Reserve - MASS. This page will open in a separate window and may be kept open, minimized or closed to return here. Here the first page is quoted in part:
"Six Modular Aerial Spray Systems (MASS) are available at the 910 AW to conduct aerial spray missions.
Each system can be configured with up to four 500 gallon tanks for a total volume of 2000 gallons.

The Aircraft. Four C-130H aircraft are modified to perform aerial application. Modifications consist mostly of ULV (Ultra-Low Volume) and LV (Low Volume) wing line installation and electrical modifications.
Spray System. The MASS is built by Lockheed/Conair. One of the major design criteria of the MASS was that it had to be a "roll-on/roll-off" system allowing the aircraft to be reconfigured for spray or airlift in under an hour. To accommodate the Roll-on/Roll-off design, the full MASS is designed in 3 modules, each attached to modified standard (463L) aircraft cargo pallets. The operators console, pumps, catwalks, and cradles for flush and chemical tanks are all secured to these modified pallets. The pallets lock into the C-130's dual rail system. Once the MASS is loaded, interconnecting plumbing and electrical circuits tie the MASS modules together. To contain any spillage of spray materials, a 1.5" lip (drip pan) surrounds the pallets. The dry weight of the MASS is ca. 10,500 lbs."
The 910 Airlift Wing webpage continues with more technical and operational details.
Holmestead.ca does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in this web page. We present this in the interests of research and for the relevant information we believe it contains relating to the illegal high altitude spraying by large military type aircraft of unknown substances - commonly referred to as chemtrails.
You are invited to contact us at the "Holmestead".