
Chemtrails - spraying in our sky

"Everyone talks about the weather,
but nobody does anything about it."
Maple Leaf
Index of chemtrail pages at
This page is an index of the many pages at devoted to the chemtrail debate.  There are also other sub-pages and documents not directly listed here - plus external links.
Please note that this is not a news site or a blog and although some material may be dated it is still valid.  There is no single point of view or theory being presented here but a variety of views and some may indeed at first appear to contradict others.  Also note the cautions or disclaimers on a few pages.

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Chemtrail aircraft spraying
** Petition January 2013: A formal Petition to be presented to the Canadian House of Commons regarding "chemtrails".
** "Definitions": Some definitions or at least some points to consider when making observations of suspected "chemtrails".
Points to Ponder - comments:  A collection of material, related links and other resources.
Chemtrails - our first experiences:  Photographs and descriptions of some of our first observations starting in Spring 2002.
Additional photographs - 1:  More photographs and descriptions from 2002.
Additional photographs - 2:  More photographs and descriptions - please note all these images were from around the Holmestead.
Holmestead map:  Where we are in the World.
Chemtrails - what are they?:  Some educated guesses from 2001.
Government correspondence:  Asking questions of various Canadian governments and their responses plus face to face meetings with local representatives.
Access to Information Act:  Access to Information requests proved that Canadians from coast to coast were prodding governments for answers.
"Whistle-blowers"?:  This is the well known "Deep Shield" interviews plus other such material.
Jim Phelps:  Comments on the Shield project.
Radar & Soil Tests:  Spray Tankers Tracked by Radar, Lab Tests Raise Concerns.
Holmestead soil tests:  Soil tests of Holmestead area farm fields.
Aluminum & your health:  Aluminum is in chemtrails - how aluminum may affect health.
Petition in English & French:  We went through the process of placing an official petition before the Canadian Parliament.
Le Goût de Vivre:  Le journal local Le Goût de Vivre a édité l'information dans deux éditions pour la communauté franco-ontarienne.
"Fact-filled" article:  This article was published in a local newspaper.
NavCan:  Some information was obtained from NavCan, the private Canadian ATC company - plus details of the death of a pilot.
Strategies Against Climate Change:  A good discussion for anyone looking more deeply into the subject.
Weather-mongers:  About the folks who make a living telling us what is going on in our skies.
State Secrets - State Lies:  This page explores why you should not have high expectations of hearing the truth from your government.
Election issue?:  An activist attempted to make chemtrails a local election issue.
Europe - Raum+Zeit:  An excellent report published in Europe.
Europe - Raum+Zeit on Greenpeace:  The same journal as above but this time reporting on how Greenpeace ignores the "chemtrail" issue.
The Solar connection:  The July 2004 issue of National Geographic magazine plus a related report.
Orb report:  A personal report of a chemtrail spraying "orb" over Lake Ontario.
CT calling cards:  These are useful to hand out to people to take away with them and perhaps decorate their fridge.
Print a chemtrail poster:  An idea for a poster that you may want to consider.
Digital altitude + airspeed:  Using a digital camera to calculate altitude and speed of aircraft.
Climate Change Jekylls & Hydes - pdf:  How scientists are approaching the "geoengineering" required for climate control - by Wayne Hall.
Pilots' view:  Some links to photographs taken from high altitude aircraft.
Spring 2005:  A variety of topics bringing us more up to date.
Fall 2005:  Another update with a collection of material from near and far.
Weather Modification Bill:  Rosalind Peterson is very active in Redwood Valley, California and here draws attention to the pending U.S. Bills.  Plus there is more!
Climate Change and Climate Modification - pdf:  Some of the politics surrounding the climate change debate - by Wayne Hall.
KNBC - "Toxic Sky":  KNBC in Los Angeles, broadcast this investigative "chemtrail" report 23 May 2006.
Discussion:  Wayne Hall & Rosalind Peterson - a dialogue on persistent jet contrails & experimental weather modification.
Spreading Trail Identification System:  A method of making positive identification of the plumes by Louis Aubuchont of Parsonsfield, Maine (USA).
Discovery Channel: Television series, Best Evidence, "Chemical Contrails" episode and "Weather Warfare" a new book.
Global Warming: Dr. Timothy Ball with some cold, hard facts.
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The "Holmestead" is located at:
140 Thunder Beach Road, 17th Concession, Township of Tiny,
All content and all pages © 1996-2019 by G.Brian Holmes. All Rights reserved.


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