"Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it."
Index of chemtrail pages at Holmestead.ca:
This page is an index of the many pages at Holmestead.ca devoted to the chemtrail debate. There are also other sub-pages and documents not directly listed here - plus external links.
Please note that this is not a news site or a blog and although some material may be dated it is still valid. There is no single point of view or theory being presented here but a variety of views and some may indeed at first appear to contradict others. Also note the cautions or disclaimers on a few pages.
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Petition January 2013: A formal Petition to be presented to the Canadian House of Commons regarding "chemtrails".
"Definitions": Some definitions or at least some points to consider when making observations of suspected "chemtrails".
Pilots' view: Some links to photographs taken from high altitude aircraft.
Spring 2005: A variety of topics bringing us more up to date.
Fall 2005: Another update with a collection of material from near and far.
Weather Modification Bill: Rosalind Peterson is very active in Redwood Valley, California and here draws attention to the pending U.S. Bills. Plus there is more!