Canada is a number of hours later than GMT / UTC so for our current local time plus other useful information see Toronto at: World Clock.
Welcome to the "Holmestead" web site - online since 1996 with farming, wetlands, pet dog story, the World population explosion and history of the Maple Leaf Flag - plus now "chemtrails":
Wetland: You may enjoy this brief description of the wetland on the "Holmestead" property. The page includes a few of our own nature photographs. |
"Talking Turkey": The history, trivia and lore of the festive bird. The story is also available in French: "La Dinde à la Trace". |
Making Kombucha Tea: Our experience with the Kombucha mushroom - with some detailed photographs. |
Hot water tank anode: If you own a home with an electric hot water heater then this page is a must read. |
Samantha's story: Sam, our Alsatian, was credited with saving a young child back in the Winter of 1993 and people still ask about the incident. A timeless story for all who like dogs. |
Population explosion: Check out the official world population estimates - well over the six billion mark now - plus some other interesting related facts. |
Canadian National Flag: The Maple Leaf - some historical background information and an idea of what the flag could really look like.

Chemtrails - spraying in our sky: Through our personal experiences starting in Spring 2002 we have been drawn into the chemtrail debate - or as it has been described: "The illegal high altitude spraying of unknown substances by large military type aircraft - commonly referred to as 'chemtrails'". There are many credible photographs that were taken right here at the "Holmestead" plus comments, observations and additional resources.
The Canadian Chemtrail Petition for 2013
Links to specific pages, together with brief descriptions, of our "chemtrail" information will be found here:
Chemtrail pages index
The "Holmestead" is located at: |
140 Thunder Beach Road, 17th Concession, Township of Tiny, |
Click for The Holmestead on Google maps.
If you wish to translate the text of any of the "Holmestead" pages copy the complete URL from your browser Location line and go: Bing Translator Then paste the complete URL into the space indicated and choose your language option. Click Translate.
Check our local weather: Updated on a regular basis.

All content and all pages © 1996-2019 by G.Brian Holmes. All Rights reserved.